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Now that the cold months are here and much of your time is spent indoors, consider painting to brighten up your home. Following are suggestions on types of paint to match your every indoor painting need.

If you're looking to brighten a room in your home, select a lighter color. If you have dark wood paneling, paint over it with a light color, it's not difficult and it can make a world of difference.

To change the look of a room, paint it in bright colors or borders. Depending on your preferences and style, bright colors can create a personalized look for your home.

Before painting be sure to clear the furniture away from the walls and cover the floor and furniture with drop cloths. Also, put masking tape around trim or anything else you don't want painted.

If you want to create a custom look, there are several techniques you can try. Sponging involves three colors of paint. After applying a base coat of color, apply the other two with a wet sponge. Let each coat dry before sponging on the next coat.

Another technique is called striation. With any of the following, the corrugated edge of a piece of cardboard, a steel wool pad, whisk comb or other grooved dragging tool, apply a tinted glaze over a base coat.

With so many colors of paint available, it's possible to create almost any look in your home.

You can even have custom colors made, to make the look totally yours.

Once you've determined your painting needs, then can choose an appropriate paint. There are many different types of paint, yet each has a specific use. Water-thinned flat latex paint, for example, is the most popular interior paint for walls and ceilings. It can be used as a primer-sealer or finish coat on wall-board, plaster or wallpaper. The term flat describes a non-glare finish that is desirable in most rooms.

Do you have children who are always putting their hands on the hallway walls? An enamel works quite well in these areas.

Enamels form a hard film that can be washed repeatedly and are ideal for bathrooms, laundry rooms, kitchens, halls and work areas.

One type of enamel that is more abrasion resistant and washable is the flat alkyd enamel. This type can be used on walls and ceilings as you would use latex. It is also nearly odorless.

Epoxy enamels should be used where heavy wear is anticipated. Although generally more expensive, they provide a hard film that resists grease, dirt, solvents, water and are durable.

Since most of the interior surfaces in your home have been painted, primer-sealers are usually not needed when re-painting. Primer is needed when surface damage has been repaired or where old paint has worn out. For un-painted surfaces one coat of primer is sufficient. One helpful tip is to use the same brand primer as top coat, ensuring compatibility of the paints.

If you're uncomfortable with doing the painting yourself, think about hiring a professional to tackle the job. You supply the paint and the professional creates the look you want.

Remember, you can have fun choosing colors and styles to paint the interior of your home. Be creative and your home will look like none other. << Back to the Real Estate Library Contents

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